
Mannrich e Vasconcelos is recognized by Chambers Brazil: Contentious 2024 ranking

We are proud to announce that our firm has been once again recognized by Chambers and Partners, in the Chambers Brazil: Contentious ranking, which recognizes the best lawyers and law firms in the country.

The 2024 edition recognized our labour practice, in “The Elite” position, the most prominent position, with the mention “The perfection of your work is impressive, with the best decisions and interpretations”. Our partners Nelson Mannrich and Celso Mannrich were also recognized. Celso was praised by our clients for ‘’knowing his area of expertise’’ and for being ‘’able to recommend what is best for our business.”

Our tax practice was also recognized, with the mention : “They deal with highly complex cases for us and know our business very well, which is a major plus for us.” and highlighted our partner Breno Vasconcelos as “an expert on tax law, with incredible work quality.”

We thank our clients for their trust and our entire team for their dedication in this important achievement.

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