Fabio Tadeu de Lima
Labor and Employment
Obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in Law from Universidade Metropolitanas Unidas (UNIFMU); a Graduate Certificate in Labor Law, Labor Procedural Law and Severance Pay Calculations from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie; a Graduate Certificate in Civil Procedural Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) in partnership with the Associação dos Advogados do Estado de São Paulo (AASP); a Graduate Certificate in Social Security Law from the Escola Superior de Advocacia (ESA).
São Paulo
The Legal 500 Latin America, 2023 issue. Category: Recommended Lawyer.
Leaders League – Labor Litigation, 2022 issue. Category: Leading.
The Legal 500 Latin America, 2022 issue. Category: Labour.
Brazilian Bar Association (OAB).